Steve Clorfeine, "BLUE SERGE JACKET" size 44 suit jacket, letters, postcards, memorabilia
Andra Samelson, "POSTCART" plywood, postcards, plastic wheels, 5 x 6 x 7", base: black foam core, letters, acrylic paint, 30 x 40"
Andra Samelson, "POSTCART" postcards, plastic wheels, 6 in. w. x 10 in. h. x 6 in. l
Birgitte Bush, "BLUE CROSSING" letters, handmade paper; 20 × 30"
Birgitte Bush, ‘ALONE’ postcard, letter, handmade paper, 20 x 30"
Jon D’Orazio, "WINGS OF LIGHT" postcard, feathers, acrylic, wood, 5 x 35 x 46"
Joan Anderson, "DEAR STEVE" magazine, 8.5 x 11", 26 pp
Bob Rosen, "UNTITLED" collage, 10 x 12"
Bob Rosen, "UNTITLED" collage, mounted on foam core, 10 x 12", limited edition of 5.
Birgitte Bush, "HOOP" hand-made paper, reeds, letters, 20 x 30"
Christoph Zihlmann, "HOUSE OF CARDS" postcards, 12 in w. x 16 in h. x 15 in l
Lauren Turk, "CHRISTOPHER, FALCONER OF THE UNIVERSE" paper, letters, postcards
Christine Alicino, "LETTER MAN" photograph, 10 x 12"
Ursina Vogt, "LIFE VEST" letters, binding, backing, stitching, 24 in w. x 29 in
Steve Clorfeine, "LOGOS" paper mache, collage, paper, plastic containers, 6 x 6 x 24", base, 42" high
Steve Clorfeine, "LOGOS" detail. Paper mache, letters, envelopes, 24 in h. x 8 in w. x 8 in deep
Elana Adler, “VESSELS” concrete, gold leaf, ashes from burned letters, 9.5 x 4 x 4"
Ursina Vogt, "GUARDIAN OF WORDS" outside & inside, 8×14 in.
Gurmi Lama, "CHORTEN (Monument)" polystyrene, reinforcing agent, mud, postage stamps, acrylic paint, base: 14 x 14", height: 21"
Gurmi Lama, ‘PRAYER WHEEL" wood, pvc pipe, metal, paper, letters, glass for spinning base, 6.25 x 6.25 x 35"
Susan Banyas, "CLOUDS HAVE BEEN ARRANGED FOR YOUR RETURN" wire, photographs, watercolor, original letter
Leslie English, "MISLAID MEMORY" paper, plant fiber, wood, metal, egg, snakeskin, plastic, 8.25 x 8.25 x 10 (closed); 10 x 23 (open)
Leslie English, "VENTURING OUT" paper, stone, wood, metal, bone, quills, 6 x6 x 8.5 (closed); 8.5 x 22 (open)
Barbara Bash, "GOING DOWN" Mi-Tiente canson paper, sumi ink, gouache, postcard and letter fragments, 13 x 18"
Lanny Harrison, "TO MIMI" construction paper cut-outs, postcards, letters, 25 x 36"
Lanny Harrison, "OUTTA THE LOTUS" postcards, 13 x 33"
Agness Au, "DREAMSCAPE- 22 POSTCARDS, 4 STAMPS, A NOTE" assorted papers on canvas, 20 x 30"
Roy Gumpel, "BEAVER STICK LADDERS/RT. 66 MAILBOX" beaver sticks, wire, letters, photograph, ladders: 15 x 36", print: 10 x 17"
Hy Varon, "KITE" photocopies of passports, letters, photographs, 34 x 60"
Robert Seward and Elmer Luke, "WISH YOU WERE HERE" paper, twine, book of postcards, 12.5 x 22" framed, books 4.25 x 7", numbered edition of 125
Cynthia Levine, "IT"S ALL IN THE DELIVERY" 2 minute stop motion animation video loop
See on Vimeo
Wilma Vesseur and Marcel Ruygrok, "SCENTS SENT" installation- perfume bottles, containers, aluminum plank, substance, 6 x 78"
Wilma Vesseur and Marcel Ruygrok, "SCENTS SENT" installation- perfume bottles, containers, aluminum plank, substance, 6 x 78"
Wilma Vesseur and Marcel Ruygrok, "SCENTS SENT" installation- perfume bottles, containers, aluminum plank, substance, 6 x 78"
Steve Clorfeine, "WHAT CORRESPONDS TO WHAT" ash drawings, old 4 x 4's, wild sumac, Susan Banyas' bird nest, Roy Gumpel's beaver wood ladder, my father's baseball glove (1925), I Ching sticks collected by David Appelbaum
Steve Clorfeine, "MIND NO MATTER" paper mache, collage, sticks, pins, dog tag, Mexican warrior, 6 x 6 x 26"
Steve Clorfeine, "MIND NO MATTER" paper mache, collage, sticks, pins, dog tag, Mexican warrior, 6 x 6 x 26"
Brenda Bufalino, "POSTMAN" clay, wood, letters 6 x9 "
Claire Rosenfeld, "LEAPING MONK/SHEEP" collage, 13 x 16"
Jane Zipp, "UNTITLED" mobile, foam core, letters, postcards, branches, miscellany, 24 x 48"
Christoph Zihlmann, "UNREAD CORRESPONDENCE" series 1-3, oil on canvas, 29 x 47" each
Christoph Zihlmann, "UNREAD CORRESPONDENCE" oil on canvas, 29 x 47"
Christoph Zihlmann, "UNREAD CORRESPONDENCE" oil on canvas, 29 x 47"
Theresa Antonellis, "ONE TO ONE (ONE LINE ON ONE BREATH) iron oak gall ink on mulberry paper, 36 x 240"
Steve Clorfeine, "FAMILIAR PLACES" ash on 1938 photograph cover, b&w postcards
Hiroshi Tachibana, "DREAM (ONE WAY TO WALK ABOUT BECKETT)" gel medium transfer and acrylic on linen, 17.5 x 45"
Claire Rosenfeld. "WOOD CARRIERS/STORMY SKY" collage 15 x 20.5"
Claire Rosenfeld, "WOOD CARRIERS/IN TREES" collage, 13 x 25.5"
Robert Spellman, "PARTIALLY RESTORED ENVELOPE" acrylic and collage on canvas, 32 x 40'
Robert Spellman. "PARTIALLY RESTORED ENVELOPE" acrylic and collage on canvas, 32 x 40'
Lucienne Weinberger, "AS YOU SEE IT" 16 collages, sizes 5 x 7" to 9 x 12"
Lucienne Weinberger, "AS YOU SEE IT" detail. 16 collages, sizes 5 x 7" to 9 x 12"
Lucienne Weinberger, "AS YOU SEE IT" detail. 16 collages, sizes 5 x 7" to 9 x 12"
Marilyn Crispell, "E.S.K." acrylic paint, letters, 15 x 20"
Louise Steinman, "COLLAGE"
Ralph Lee, "AIR MAIL" installation of string, paper, postcards, letters, pins
Steve Clorfeine, "JAK" archival prints matted with foamcore backing, 13 x 13"
Steve Clorfeine, "MAN ALONE" archival prints matted with foamcore backing, 13 x 13"
Steve Clorfeine, "REMY" archival prints matted with foamcore backing, 13 x 13"
Steve Clorfeine, "TAKE ONE/TAKE TWO" archival prints matted with foamcore backing, 13 x 13"
Hy Varon, "POSTER" color print on matte paper, 22 x 17"
Christine Alicino, "TRIPTYCH" archival digital print limited edition of 5, 5.5 x 18.5"
Christine Alicino, "CORRESPONDENCE GRID" 12.5 x 14" archival digital print limied edition of 5.
Christine Alicino and Ursula Brookbank, "IN STEREO" series of 4 x 6' archival prints
Christine Alicino and Ursula Brookbank, "IN STEREO" slide show
Suzy Sureck, "THERE IS STILL SOMETHING UNCONSCIOUS (ABOUT YOUR DESIRE)" mylar, vellum, light, 3h' x 7'w x 8" d
Monica Jane Frisell, "UNTITLED" (Stop motion animation) with music by Bill Frisell, 1 min. loop.
View on Vimeo
Connie Steckel, "CORRESPONDENCE CURTAINS" nylon, photocopied postcards, stitching, 27x83"
Connie Steckel, "CORRESPONDENCE CURTAINS" nylon, photocopied postcards, stitching, 27x83"
Kate Hamilton, "CORRESPONDENCE SOLES" mulberry paper, white glue, kozo paste, Xerox ink, mens' shoes, size 10.5 M
Aimee Gilmore, "ANALOGY OF THE DIVIDED LINE- SERIES OF 10" wood shelves, mirrors, postcards, each 4x6"
Aimee Gilmore, "ANALOGY OF THE DIVIDED LINE- SERIES OF 10" wood shelves, mirrors, postcards, each 4x6"